Dr. Kathy W. Brooks,
Chapter President
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., was founded in 1913 by 22 phenomenal women at Howard University. We are indebted to these pioneers who paved the way for the sorority to have approximately 1,000 collegiate and alumnae chapters worldwide consisting of about 300,000 women who have joined the sisterhood. The sorority promotes academic excellence; provides support to the underserved; establishes positive public policy, highlights relevant issues, and provides solutions for problems in communities.
This is the official website for Frederick County (MD) Alumnae Chapter (FCAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Chartered on April 17, 2004, FCAC is an award-winning member of the dynamic and historic Eastern Region!! In 2019, FCAC was recognized by the Frederick County Commission for Women as the Organization of the Year for exemplifying a commitment to Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Service, which are areas FCAC has proudly excelled. The Chapter consists of diverse and unique members, yet all our actions are guided by our core values: Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Service. Our career experiences include professions such as education, social sciences and health, information technology, public/private administration, law, religion, and the military. Through our philanthropy and social activities, members often find lifetime friendships and valuable connections for the future.

What We Do:
FCAC Facebook Highlights:
Frederick County (MD) Alumnae Chapter
P.O. Box 1234
Frederick, MD 21702
email: Deltafcac417@hotmail.com