President's Message
I am humbled and honored to serve as the 6th President of the Frederick County (MD) Alumnae Chapter (FCAC), Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. My commitment to this phenomenal organization spans over years of service and support to local, regional, and national initiatives. I am pleased to build upon the foundation of the sixteen members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., who recognized their common bond and commitment to charter a chapter in Frederick, MD on April 17, 2004. Since its chartering, FCAC has been a change agent throughout Frederick County by offering quality programs and services to local citizens.
Thank you for supporting our activities and viewing this website. Here are a few highlights of our various service endeavors...
Established Programs and Activities:
Awards annual scholarships in the spring of each year; approximately $200,000 awarded since 2007.
Conducts Delta Academy, Delta GEMS, and EMBODI youth mentoring programs and annual summits for young girls and boys in middle and high school focusing on self-esteem, goal setting, academic excellence, career exploration, and social and recreational opportunities.
Supports St. Jude’s walk/run through our annual FCAC DST team.
Organize voter registration training and voter registration drives and various other events geared at advocating for social change and political awareness.
Hosts Community Day in partnership with community residents and organizations during Juneteenth Weekend. This event is a collaboration of diverse community organizations seeking to raise awareness about services and opportunities within the Frederick community, including a one-on-one with political candidates, voter registration, education opportunities, health and wellness screenings, and Narcan training.
Leads physical and mental health-related activities with other local community organizations and long-term care facilities to promote healthy lifestyles; and
Offers volunteer services through our adopt-a-school program by providing school supplies, and other support as needed.
Awards and Recognition:
As a testament to our demanding work and dedication to public service the Frederick County Executive and the Frederick City Mayor recently presented proclamations to FCAC for creating a positive change in the community, uniting organizations of shared values, and encouraging positive action. As we promote our public service initiatives, our main goal is to uplift and enrich the lives of the Frederick community. In 2019, the Frederick County Commission for Women recognized FCAC as the Organization of the Year!!
Thank you for patronizing our fundraising events to aid in awarding scholarships to Frederick County high school graduates and promoting public service programs. FCAC continually looks for opportunities to develop partnerships with community leaders, thereby broadening the service impact upon the county, state, and nation. Again, we appreciate the generous support we have received, and we hope that you will use this page as a source of information about our sorority.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Dr. Kathy W. Brooks, President
Frederick County (MD) Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
~~Charter Members~~
Dr. Kathy W. Brooks
Kenyatta Graham
Khea Johnson
Yolandra Johnson
Patricia Pinnix
Roslyn Cooley-Prayer
Ilva Richardson
Olivia Robbins
Pauletta Sheppard
Veronica Skinner-Ferguson
Anna Shanklin
Dawn Stanton
Tasha Tate
Felicia Turner
Mary Wright
Dr. Olivia G. White

~~Chapter Officers~~

Dr. Kathy W. Brooks
Darylle Smoot
Tanya Davis
Shlesta Thomas
Dr. Della White
Lauren Parker
Christina Boyd-Brown
Sabrina Seals
Sharon Akuta
Shanise Swanson
Dr. Olivia G. White
Dr. DaVida Anderson-Harden
Dr. Genevieve Floyd
Robin Clayton
Sabrina Seals
Cassandra Hargrove
Marva L. Younger
Chapter President
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Assistant Secretary
Financial Secretary
Assistant Financial Secretary
Custodian of Properties
Chair, Nominating Committee
Chair, Internal Audit Committee
Immediate Past President